Where to change PHP server configuration?
Creation, selection of VPS:
- Log in to the user interface or create a new user account.
- Select VPS with WebApps from the list of virtual servers on the "Dashboard" or "VPS" menu by clicking the "Detail" button. If you do not have a WebApps server, you can create a new one or reinstall an existing VPS.
Where to change PHP server configuration:
- In the WebApps server detail, click the "Web apps> PHP server> PHP Confing" tab.
You can now edit php.ini for the entire server from the user interface and affect its default settings for:
- max_execution_time
- max_input_time
- memory_limit
- display_errors
- post_max_size
- file_uploads
- upload_max_filesize
- allow_url_fopen
You can also control the behavior of PHP using your own .htaccess file on FTP.