What are the advantages of WebApps backup?
WebApps server has the same backup options to snapshots and User templates that other VPS have, but it also has the option of backing up application and disaster recorvery. You only need to have an automatic backup plan enabled.
- Application backups
The data content of the /home and /etc directories is backed up. Before backing up directories, the database is backed up to a dump file and placed in the /home directory. Recovering data in the /home directory creates a new copy and the original file/directory is retained. Recovering data in the /etc directory overwrites the original file /directory. The dump file can be restored to the database or downloaded.
- Disaster recorvery
It only includes restoring from a VPS backup (without storage) to an existing or new VPS. Configuration from the Web apps tab will be restored - e.g. for Apache tab it means restoration of domain and ftp records including data restoration. Data or configurations created outside known GUI settings will not be restored. Depending on the disk size, it may take approximately 15 - 60 minutes to recover to the same server.