What backup plan should I choose?
The recommended backup mode is to leave the default automatic backup mode, where you can choose between 3 day or 7 day backup mode. You can also manually back up to snapshots or user images. Backup is charged based on the 1 GB of virtual backup space you have taken.
Offered backup modes
Manual backups into snapshots.
Manual backups are available for as long as the virtual server is set up or until the snapshot is deleted by the user.
Manually into user images (can also be used for VPS cloning).
The user image is not dependent on the existence of the source VPS. The retention period depends only on the credit balance or until the user image is deleted from user.
Automatic backup takes place at night (CET) and overwrites the oldest daily backup with the latest backup. When ordering or from the VPS detail, the backup mode can be set to a 3 day or 7 day backup cycle. Backup allows you to:
- Backup VPS to snapshots
- In the case of a running server, a snapshot is created first and then backed up. From the very principle of backup, however, it is not possible to fully guarantee the consistency of data in running applications (typically in case of writing to the database during snapshot creation). The solution is therefore to back up databases, etc. at the application level or to have the system "idle" at the time of the start of the backup, ideally having the services turned off or in read-only mode.
- Application backups - only WebApps servers
- The data content of the /home and /etc directories is backed up. Before backing up directories, the database is backed up to a dump file and placed in the /home directory. Recovering data in the /home directory creates a new copy and the original file/directory is retained. Recovering data in the /etc directory overwrites the original file /directory. The dump file can be restored to the database or downloaded.
- Disaster recorvery - only WebApps servers
- It only includes restoring from a VPS backup (without storage) to an existing or new VPS. Configuration from the Web apps tab will be restored - e.g. for Apache tab it means restoration of domain and ftp records including data restoration. Data or configurations created outside known GUI settings will not be restored. Depending on the disk size, it may take approximately 15 - 60 minutes to recover to the same server.
Automatic backup is available for as long as the virtual server exists or until automatic backup is turned off. Backups created before auto mode shutdown may be available again upon reactivation if the automatic backup plan was reactivated before the oldest daily backup was deleted.If you have set up your individual backup inside the server, such as a dump database, we recommend that you schedule the backup so that the internal backup runs before the automatic backup starts. The start time (CET) is specified in the user interface.VPS servers that were created before 14.02.2017 can have older backup mode set with only 3 daily automatic backup cycle + 1 manual backup included in the server price. The new backup mode with an unlimited number of manual backups and selecting a 3 to 7 day automatic backup cycle can be accessed in the user interface in the server detail on the tab "Backups> Backup plan".
Automatic backup takes place at night (CET) and overwrites the oldest daily backup with the latest backup. When ordering or from the VPS detail, the backup mode can be set to a 3 day or 7 day backup cycle. Backup allows you to: